Weekday School
14 Months - 5 Years
5915 Louis XIV, New Orleans, LA 70124
Co-Directors: Angelle Guepet & Mary Clement

Our school’s program is centered on each child’s lively and free participation in activities and experiences that rouse curiosity and channel his energies, his talents, his mind and his great capacity for living.
Before School Care: 7:45 am
Basic Program: 8:45 am - 12:00 pm
After School Care: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
That all persons may respond in faith to the God in Jesus Christ and be nurtured in the life of fellowship with Him; that they may face all of life’s relationships and responsibilities as children of God.
LPWS was opened in the early 1940’s by our founder and LPCNO member, Bertha Behrens.
​When men were overseas in WWII New Orleans was a hub of industrial work for the women of the city. LPWS was created to provide working women a caring, high-quality educational setting to leave their children during this time. We have maintained her legacy for almost 80 years now and continue to provide high quality early childcare education for the children of New Orleans.

Our Classrooms

Each of our classrooms is set up with learning centers where the children are provided options for hands-on experiences. Each class explores a different theme each week (or biweekly in the younger classes). Everything in the room is set up to relate to the week’s topic. Books, puzzles, pictures, songs, and toys are coordinated with the weekly emphasis so the children can learn about their world through their own observations and experiences.
In this learning environment children experience music, art, movement, science, literacy, math, writing activities, stories, fingerplays, group activities with discussions, audio visuals, and cooking. Children are provided opportunities and activities to strengthen their fine and gross motor skills. Outdoor activities on a well-equipped play yard help to develop large muscle coordination and prepare the hand for writing. Explorations that children make in such a child-oriented world are the foundations for academic learning.
Learning Centers
Weekly Themes
Block Center
Home Center
Art Center
Educational Toys
Book Center
Science Center
Educational Philosophy

Early childhood is that magical time when both fact and fantasy can live joyously in the heart of a child, and so it is a time to be enjoyed and preserved. Yet it is a pivotal time, for what the child hears, sees and does today will greatly influence his tomorrow.
It is the time when seeds of positive self-image, self-mastery, and self-discovery may be planted so that they may ripen in the child’s future life.
Our school’s program is centered on each child’s lively and free participation in activities and experiences that rouse curiosity and channel his energies, his talents, his mind and his great capacity for living. It is the “drawing out” and not the “drilling in” for we recognize and respect the richness of the inner resources and creative potential of each young child. We endeavor to provide for each child a relaxed, warm and loving environment in which his physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual development is nurtured to its fullest and best expression.

LPWS Staff
Lakeview Presbyterian Weekday school has 6 classrooms.

1-year-old Class
The Owl Room
Lead teacher: Gina Short
Assistant teacher: Sara Kiehne

2-year-old Class
The Elephant Class
Lead teacher: Kelly Odello
Assistant teacher: Baylee Foret

2-year-old Class
The Mouseketeers
Lead teacher: Brooke Decossas
Assistant teachers:
Shawn Dawson & Shannon Brooks

3-year-old Class
The Teddy Bear Room
Lead teacher: Maggie Huffman
Assistant teacher: Jennifer Curl

3-year-old Class
The Friendly Fish Class
Lead teacher: Lori Barbier
Assistant teacher:
Alicia Villanueva

4-year-old Class
The Rainbow Room
Lead teacher: Angelle Guepet
Assistant teacher: Danielle Guepet

LPWS offers a summer camp in
June & July
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Each week has a theme, and we design all crafts around the theme. Every Friday is water day, and we have water play in our play yard from 9-11.

If you are interested in working with the Weekday School, please send us your resume or a quick statement of why you want to work with children.
We are always looking for happy, Christian people that love children and want to work with our school. We have school year contract positions, summer camp positions, and substitute positions open.

Lakeview Presbyterian Weekday School is licensed by the Louisiana Department Education. The school has a Type I license.
For information regarding licenses, the Department’s address is
Department of Education, Division of Education,
Post Office Box 4249,
Baton Rouge LA 70821.
The website is www.louisianabelieves.com
The telephone number is (225) 342-9905.
Our license is #488.