Mission is a central part of the life and calling of a church.
At Lakeview Presbyterian Church, we seek to live out our hopes for the coming Kingdom of God through our mission partnerships, our engagement in hands on mission, and our acts of generosity and giving.
If you would like to get involved in any of these programs and projects, contact the church and we will put you in touch with the appropriate person.

Program of Hope
A ministry of First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans, this program supports the homeless population in the city. Housed at FPCNO and supported by a number of local Presbyterian congregations (including Lakeview), Program of Hope seeks to assist the homeless with a variety of needs. Lakeview’s volunteers gather to make bag lunches two months out of the year and representatives from the church attend the program those months.

Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services
PCHAS is a Christ-centered service agency for children and their families. LPC provides office space for the New Orleans-based social worker. We also partner with PCHAS to provide food at Thanksgiving for families and gifts at Christmas for the children.

Blessing Bags
A number of times a year, LPC assembles Blessing Bags to hand out to folks who are on the side of the road asking for help. The bags are filled with toiletries and socks and such. Members then keep these in their cars to hand out as needed.

Cuba Mission
LPC is proud of its partnership with our sister church, Juan G. Hall Presbyterian Church in Cardenas, Cuba. Since 2015, LPC has sought to support their church through open communication and annual visits. Each trip includes the delivery of needed supplies such as medicine, equipment for their clean water systems, and school supplies along with planned activies for their children and seniors such as arts, crafts, and the famous sounds of New Orleans. The experience provides our members the opportunity to overcome differences in culture, language, political systems. Through the years we have grown in friendship and our faith with the wonderful people in Cardenas.